I took my first trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in January 2022 for a 30th birthday. Here are 10 things I learned from my experience.

1. Puerto Vallarta is safe
As a popular tourist destination, Puerto Vallarta takes extra efforts to be safe for visitors. During my four day trip I never felt unsafe in any way. Of course no city is free of crime, so stay aware of your surroundings.
2. Everyone expects a tip
Tipping at restaurants, on tours, or for other services is standard in Puerto Vallarta. However, I found that the service was not exceptional in any way. There are also a lot of street performers and vendors looking for a quick tip from tourists.
3. The tap water is safe to drink in Puerto Vallarta
There are few cities in Mexico that boast drinkable tap water for tourists, but Puerto Vallarta is one of them. I drank tap water during my four day trip and was fine, though some prefer to stick to bottled water regardless.
4. You could walk to/ from the airport
Puerto Vallarta’s international airport is so close to Marina Vallarta that you could walk. Though a taxi might be more pleasant if you have bags.
5. Uber exists in Puerto Vallarta
Yes your Uber app works in Puerto Vallarta! However taxis may be quicker and cheaper.
6. Most businesses accept dollars and pesos
Whether you’re paying for a meal or handing out a tip, I found that both US dollars and pesos were accepted.
7. Tipping is around 10-15% at restaurants
The standard tip for restaurants in Puerto Vallarta is 10-15%. Of course you can always tip more if you have a great experience. Here is a quick guide for tipping.
8. Ignore the people at the airport
Walking out of the Puerto Vallarta airport is an experience in itself. There are hoards of people trying to sell timeshares and who knows what else. Keep walking until you are outside and can get a taxi.
Pro Tip: For cheaper taxi rates or to request an Uber, walk across the pedestrian bridge in the southeastern corner of the airport. Near the restaurant Tacón de Marlin there are often taxis waiting.
9. A lot of people speak English in Puerto Vallarta
I found that most locals spoke good English, so if you are not a Spanish speaker you will be fine. I was excited to practice my Spanish which I got to do a bit, but locals often defaulted to English.
10. Rainy season is June through October
I went to Puerto Vallarta in January and had beautiful weather. If you plan a trip during the summer months, June through October, you may have a wetter experience. Here is more info on Puerto Vallarta weather.

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